Beautiful Life episode 4

They wait out in the cold trying to get a taxi since Kyoko's car was towed away.

He's doing someone's hair while everyone else at the salon is watching him and one person is actually timing him. Three people must pass judgment on whether or not he is allowed to become a top stylist and they all vote in favor, even the one guy who stole his design.

Kyoko has gone of a trip to tour the west coast of the U.S.

Meanwhile Kyoko's brother finds out that the person he went to a meeting with about a possible arranged marriage wants to continue their meetings/negotiations/whatever.

Kyoko's co-worker is trying to find out what is going on between Kyoko and Shuji.

She's still trying to find out just what is going on between the two.

Apparently her brother's arranged marriage has fallen through since the woman won't marry him since his sister is in a wheelchair.

Unfortunately, Kyoko finds out the reason. Later Shinichi visits her at the library after she returns his coat he lent her.

They end up having an argument and he leaves.

He rents a van on his day off to take Kyoko for a drive.

She was going to meet him for a date but the way she was planning to go was blocked. When she took an alternate route her wheelchair got stuck in a hole in the road. She does finally get to him, though, so they can still go on their date.